Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Repairs, Comments, and more Games.

Finally got my Fedora and Cowboy hat back. They still smell a little, but they fit and make me look awesome. We'll be leaving them out in the garage to air out a bit or maybe try the "vinegar method" that Liz's mom is currently trying out on her dress and coat.

Nintendo received my stuff today, I can't wait to get my Wii back and start playing Mario Kart Wii but it's not too bad because I bought GTA IV as an impulse buy. I've got issues with GTA in general (nothing to do with the sex and violence) but I've got no other games and it's getting absurd reviews so I gotta know first hand if it's all B.S. or the real deal. I also bought Justice League Unlimited Vol 1 & 2. I watch it on Boomerang but they skip episodes which annoys me so at midnight I went on an angry Amazon rage and bought it. What can I say, I've got a thing for B-list DC Superheroes. There was a dude dressed as Vigilante at Comic-Con and I was freaking out. Liz looked at me like the idiot I am.

I'm also totally excited about 2 things this week. 1) HOUSE WAS BRAND NEW! I love House, one of my favorite shows ever. 2) IRON MAN IS COMING OUT! I'm totally seeing it Thurs at 8pm. If you wish to join me, give me a ring or just show up.

Lastly, I notice people are actually commenting on posts! It's like sing Duran Duran at a Karaoke bar and then getting applause! (Metaphor of the day). Keep it up.

And remember, sex is bad m'kay.

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