Thursday, June 18, 2009

Letter to the Board of Briarwood Coachlight

So moving in has sucked. 2 of my biggest issues specifically with the condo itself has been the storage unit and the closets. We don't have a real coat closet. The architect is apparently an idiot and screwed up. We get a pantry closet instead. Dear Architect, go die.

Next is the storage units. Apparently they screwed up again and put the box for FiOS and Comcast in someone's storage unit, so they shifted all the units down to make space. Oh wait! They only shift 3 units down (one being mine) and divided the space between the 3 because it would cost too much to move them all. Thanks a lot. Really appreciate that new space in the back that fits ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

What am I told to do about all this. Nothing, you're fucked. Bend over and take it like a Rahway inmate. (That the State-Pen for out of towners).

So I wrote this slightly polite e-mail to the board stating basically how pissed I am. Where I would've loved to use colorful language, I refrained, though I the internet can only hold so much of my rage. Some of it went into the bathroom when I fucked up the toliet paper holder and contemplating taking the drill to my skull.

Here's the letter:

To the Board of Briarwood-Coachlight:

My name is Teobaldo Fernandez, resident and owner of 12C. Dealing with the fire, construction, and move in has been a grueling process for all individuals, both residents and people working on this. I understand that none of this has been easy. It is my belief that there have been very poor decisions made, which have presented us with no decision making ability.

The impetus for this letter is specifically the storage unit. I was not convinced that the space was truly distributed evenly. I was shocked to find out that only 3 units sacrificed storage space instead of the entire row. Why the burden of poor planning was placed on 3 people instead of the entire building when it came to the cable is beyond me.

The coat closet situation is another point of disappointment. When I received the diagram layout of our condo I was saddened that we lost a closet. But, as sacrifices apparently had to be made I was able to live with it. When we did our first walk-through I was baffled to see the coat closet was not nearly as deep as the diagram had stated. Brian Bolger’s explanation was that the architect “made a mistake”. In no world is that ever a valid excuse. It was bad enough to lose the laundry closet but to lose another half a closet was just putting salt in the wounds; the list of issues goes on.

The purpose of this letter is to inform the Board that as a member of the complex, I am disappointed. Maybe if I knew more of what was going on, or maybe if I was more active in the daily dealings I would be more aware and understanding of the problems. I can only now judge on the results and my personal experience. When it comes to the closets and the storage units I personally feel cheated and used. I feel there is nothing I can say or do about it, and I do not believe it is fair. We have so little space as is. To keep having more and more taken away has just decreased my morale with what has already been for me a painful mood. The fact that the fire was easier to deal with than the construction speaks volume.

I thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I have no expectations from this but to voice my opinion. I know the Board does do a lot for the community and I am grateful for those things.


Teobaldo A Fernandez

12C Sentinel Ct

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